We've wanted to add to our family for a little while now, but didn't think it was right to adopt a dog and immediately move it to a new city. Since we're finally settled, happy and employed, we feel that it's the right time to bring a pooch into our lives.
We must have a small dog because of our apartment. Most people in New York have the same requirement, which means that the "good" small dogs in Manhattan shelters go super quick. I've been on Petfinder.com almost every day for the past month, and each time I call the shelter about a specific dog, nine times out of ten, they've been adopted. The majority of dogs in the city shelters are the poor, unwanted pitbulls, german shepards and rottweilers who've been left behind by their negligent owners.
The other option is to go with a breeder. I've done quite a bit of research and found a few breeds that seem to be a good fit. Part of us wants go that route, but part of us feels like we're giving up on an abandoned dog who needs lots more love. It's a very hard choice to make and we change our minds every other minute.
We've been relying heavily on advice from two of our most trusted dog lovers, Heather and Bekka. Heather is a staunch supporter of shelters, having adopted two beautiful and special dogs from the pound. Bek has a purebred boston terrier who is healthy, happy and sweet as can be (her only flaw is that she snores like an old man). They each have incredible dogs and make strong cases for how they came into their lives.
We haven't given up hope yet that the right pup for us out there in a shelter. We are heading out of the city to visit a few places this Saturday. We may come home with a pup, but we may not. We (I, specifically) just have to be patient and know that however and whenever we get our dog will be the right way, and you can't force a new 10-15 year relationship no matter how badly you want it. Your thoughts on the matter are welcome in the comments section.
(The pups in the photo above are from a border terrier breeder that I contacted -- these are her little girls who become available next weekend)
No matter which way you end up going, that's going to be one lucky puppy.
Shelter Dog FTW!!!
Aw, so exciting! But the mom in me wants that breeder to throw a few outlet covers into the plugs above those pooches before they get fried... ;)
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